caroline manalo

front-end developer

about me

hello! my name is caroline and i'm a web developer and recent juno college graduate based in toronto.

i'm motivated by collaboration, curiosity, and creativity.







responsive design




A screenshot of Color Aura Explorer; a web page displaying mood buttons that can be interacted with to prompt a color aura reading.

color aura explorer

html, css, javascript, restful api

how are you feeling today? get a reading from the color aura explorer. this app pulls a color scheme that matches your mood from the color api and prompts reflective advice. this was created in collaboration with mel peto.

A screenshot of the Morning Pages landing page. It is a tool for writing out a stream of consciousness.

morning pages

html, css, react, firebase

the morning pages app is an adapatation of julia cameron's "morning pages", a popular writing exercise. the app's aim is to clear the mind by typing out an unfilered stream of consciousness into the text input.

A screenshot of a mock booking system that allows the user to select a space tour and see which launch dates are asteroid free.

ybs galactic tours

html, css, restful api, react

ybs galactic tours is a mock space tour company with an online preview of their upcoming line of space tours. the user can select their desired destination and view photos of the locations they will be stopping at. photos are provided by nasa's mars rover api. upcoming dates are displayed by nasa's near-earth objects api for asteroid data; only the dates with unhazardous asteroids in orbit are displayed.

get in touch

interested in working together? feel free to contact me!